Goals in life are so important. If we make no goals in life, then life can be boring and become stagnant, because we have not planned anything to achieve, or achieve something which we want to do

I have run a counselling business for some years. As a counsellor I focus on being able to make myself available to you during the session, giving you my undivided attention. 
As a trained counsellor, I have found that the essence of a healthy life, is being able to do what we want, when we want. This is not always possible though. 
At school we are asked to choose a career which interests us. Many teenagers find it daunting and overwhelming trying to do this. They often go to university and obtain a degree in the field of career they are interested in. 

If we do not set goals in life, we have nothing to aim for and achieve. By setting goals we are making positive plans for something we want to do, and by when. If it is going to cost us money to achieve, then we need to work out much is it going to cost us. We begin to plan a budget so our goal can be attained or reached. Goals need to be achievable and logical to some extent, so you can achieve them, like a study, holiday, meeting up with friends on the weekend, or planning a wedding, or an overseas trip on our own, or with friends.

There is nothing worse than planning a goal, or looking forward to an event and discovering that it is going to cost more money, or for some unforeseen reason, it doesn't happen. It was a goal you wanted to achieve, but it didn't seem to be in your control for whatever the reason.

If this type of situation has arisen in your life, and is upsetting, talking to a school counsellor, or general counsellor might be helpful. Looking at a situation in a new frame of reference, or another way, with a new set of eyes such as the counselling view or perspective, can be helpful. Proven successful theories, with the counsellor's guidance, should set you on a new train of thought and track for you to continue enjoying your life, reclaiming back your control and confidence.
