Have you heard if the S.M.A.R.T. acronym?

Using the S.M.A.R.T. Acronym, goal setting has structure, has trackability and objectivity, where goals become well timed and achievable.
Setting smart goals, means you can clarify ideas, while focusing your efforts on what you want, using your time constructively, and being productive achieving what you want.

It is a good acronym to use when creating projects. Using S.M.A.R.T check lists that you can evaluate your objectives. Smart goal settings create transparency. It clarifies or validates the way goals come into existence, while evaluating the criteria their outcomes conform too.

How does it work?
If you think of a small goal now you would like to achieve, whether it be personal or professional. Write it down.

To make your goal SMART, it needs to conform to the criteria of being 
S  - specific
M - measurable
A - attainable
R - relevance
T - timely

A specific goal could be to climb the ladder of hierarchy in your company.
Is this goal measurable? 
Using measurable goals, means they can be tracked and your progress motivated by success. This should help you to stay focused, meet deadlines, in which you should be excited about. Using a Gnatt software package to prepare and complete a business project, or just jotting down notes for an individual project such as a wedding, holiday, or a graduation party.

By breaking your goal into measurable elements, defining the physical manifestations of your goal, while objectives make it clearer and easier to reach or achieve.

Next, is this goal achievable, being the third letter of the word SMART.
A goal should stretch our ability and capabilities, but remain possible to achieve.
Setting an achievable goal, might help you to identify opportunities and resources that can assist you to reach your goal.

Questions to ask yourself, are, "Are the skills I am developing, needed and realistic, based on my experience and qualifications. Am I going to use these skills? "Are these skills necessary for this goal to be achieved?"

Maybe you have enough skills and qualifications. With what you have is you goal achievable?
Have you sorted out your finances? Have you enough money? You need enough money to spend on reaching your goal. If you need to save money, make short term plans and save the essential money. These days apps and banking apps can assist with saving money and watching the savings grow. If so, how many months is this going to take? 

As long as it is an achievable goal.
There is nothing wrong with aiming for the stars, as long as it is attainable. Not a wild or far fetched dream which cannot be reached.

Relevant, is the fourth letter in SMART. Is reaching your goal relevant to you? What is the objective behind the goal, and will this goal really achieve the final outcome you are seeking.
Does the goal matter, and does it align with other relevant goals you have achieved? Is this goal relevant and applicable in the current economic environment? Is it going to put more stress on you and your outcomes you desire?

The fifth letter of the acronym SMART is T for Time Bound. Each goal needs a target date, a deadline to focus on, to work towards. This part of the smart goal criteria, helps to prevent everyday tasks taking priority over reaching your goals.

This particular Acronym SMART, is an effective tool in developing goals. It provides clarity, focus and motivation to achieve your goals. It can improve your ability to reach your goal by encouraging you to define your objectives and set a completion date.
