A Guide to Healthy Nutrition

 This guide is provided by the Centre for Health Protection

Pyramid Health Guide

Below is a copy of their Food Pyramid which they recommend. Over the years this healthy pyramid diagram has changed. It does though remain current and in its original form with slight adjustments.

One of the original charts told us how much to eat

See below

The First Healthy Food Eating Pyramid Guide was created in Sweden during the 1970s, by a lady called Anna-Britt Agnsäter, an educator who worked for a Swedish grocery cooperative, designed the food pyramid, which was published for the first time in 1974 in an issue of the cooperative’s magazine.

She divided the pyramid into three levels. The bottom level included bread and other grains, vegetables, potatoes and meats and legumes which are beans, dried peas and lentils now classified as vegetables

The middle level housed fruits, vegetables, and juices. 

The top-level covered eggs, meat, and fish. 

Agnsäter used a pyramid shape so as to indicate that a person should eat more foods from the bottom of the pyramid—the widest section—than from the top. 

Nordic countries soon designed their own food pyramids, and the shape was also adopted elsewhere.
