
A Guide to Healthy Nutrition

 This guide is provided by the Centre for Health Protection Pyramid Health Guide Below is a copy of their Food Pyramid which they recommend. Over the years this healthy pyramid diagram has changed. It does though remain current and in its original form with slight adjustments. One of the original charts told us how much to eat See below The First Healthy Food Eating Pyramid Guide was created in Sweden during the 1970s, by a lady called  Anna-Britt Agnsäter, an educator who worked for a Swedish grocery cooperative, designed the food pyramid, which was published for the first time in 1974 in an issue of the cooperative’s magazine. She divided the pyramid into three levels. The bottom level included bread and other grains, vegetables, potatoes and meats and legumes which are beans, dried peas and lentils now classified as vegetables .  The middle level housed  fruits, vegetables, and juices.  The top-level covered eggs, meat, and fish.  Agnsäter used a pyramid shape so as to indicate that

Structural Changes in Families

  Structural changes in families have been occurring for many years and in some cases many of these types of family structures have been the norm. With the advent of financial status, lifestyle, individual needs, household needs, abusive situations and society disasters and necessities, the family structure is now made up of single families and same sex marriages and cohorts of mixed family members and homes where several families often live together. During the twentieth century families underwent significant shifts in structure. Extended kin and unrelated people began living within a family structure during Federation. Following World War 11 the nuclear family was made up of mother, father, and siblings with no extended family members. This is still the case today, however social change has seen the increasing diversity in the children of family structures not only in Australia, but on a global scale. Today we see heterosexual and homosexuals or same sex partners living in blended fa


  6 Tips for a Healthy Relationship 6 Tips for a Healthy Relationship See articles on LinkedIn. Does  Snoring Keep You Awake at Night? Is snoring a problem for you?  Try some of these helpful articles How to Choose the Best Noise Canceling Earphones for Sleeping If you are a light sleeper who struggles with snoring partners, noisy neighbors, or other unwanted sounds at night, you may have considered getting some noise canceling earphones to help you sleep better. But with so many options available, how do you know which ones are the best for your needs? In this blog post, we will compare the different types of noise canceling earphones and give you some tips on how to choose the best ones for sleeping. Noise Cancelling Earphones Click the link above to buy some of these earphones on Ebay What is noise canceling earphones? Noise canceling earphones are devices that reduce the amount of ambient noise that reaches your ears. They do this

What is Feedback on a Performance or Achievement?

Self-evaluation and intrinsic evaluation are two different concepts.  Self-evaluation is a process where the performer assesses their own performance in the workplace and describes their achievements and professional progress over a period of time  .  It is an opportunity for performers to showcase their unique strengths and contributions, and it is important to make it as specific and personalized as possible. On the other hand, intrinsic evaluation is a type of evaluation that focuses on the internal factors that motivate a performer to perform well.    It is a self-assessment of the performer’s own motivation, values, and goals, and it can help performers identify areas where they need to improve.  It is similar to a pat on the back. It is a positive ability of a person to be able to say, "what a good job I did today", "Oh wow, did I deserve that pay rise?" "What an achievement." I ntrinsic evaluation is often used in educational settings to help studen

Have you heard if the S.M.A.R.T. acronym?

Using the S.M.A.R.T. Acronym, goal setting has structure, has trackability and objectivity, where goals become well timed and achievable. Setting smart goals, means you can clarify ideas, while focusing your efforts on what you want, using your time constructively, and being productive achieving what you want. It is a good acronym to use when creating projects. Using S.M.A.R.T check lists that you can evaluate your objectives. Smart goal settings create transparency. It clarifies or validates the way goals come into existence, while evaluating the criteria their outcomes conform too. How does it work? If you think of a small goal now you would like to achieve, whether it be personal or professional. Write it down. To make your goal SMART, it needs to conform to the criteria of being  S  - specific M - measurable A - attainable R - relevance T - timely A specific goal could be to climb the ladder of hierarchy in your company. Is this goal measurable?  Using measurable goals, means they

Goal Setting

Where do you want to be in five years from now? Is it something you think about or something that time will take care of. Maybe you want to get married, or enjoy travelling before you begin the next semester, or recover from study and spend your gap year touring around Europe. These are all goals and take some planning. If you want to travel you are going to need a certain amount of money to not only buy a ticket, but expenses can be costly. Also a working visa might be an option. Whatever your goal, preparation is necessary. Not only does it give you something to aim for, but in setting a goal, it states that you have something you want to attain or achieve, whether it be in the short term or the long term. Our short term goals (unless they are just that), can guide us through to attaining or reaching our long term goals or objectives. A student wanting to become a qualified nurse or engineer, needs to pass studies in the short term and over months, until they become qualified and rea

8 Benefits of Seeing a Counsellor

Counselling and coaching both empower us through growth and improved performance by sharing effective communication and understanding. By asking a set of questions moving through a coaching model, the client gains a better understanding of where their problem is. This helps the counsellor or coach to clarify their own understanding of the client's needs. Coaching and counselling is for individuals, professionals from the school room to the board room and onto the sports fields, with the result of a better working environment, and performance. The coaching models enhances personal motivation, optimizes self-reflection, decision making, while improving management skills and the overall functioning of any business and its bottom line, being its productivity and financial gain. A guideline to the benefits of counselling published by the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association. It is worth reading. The link below will take you to the article. 8 Benefits of Seeing a Counsel